Data Management Guide

Data storage

Today, data can be stored on local storage with limited capacity and a high risk of loss. More conveniently, this can be done on institutional storage and on institutionally contracted (i.e. not end-user) services from providers such as Microsoft and Google - OneDrive, O365, GDrive, etc. Similar services are provided by e-INFRA CZ. An example of recommendations on where to store various sensitive data can be found here.

However, data stored in this way is typically not traceable and reusable. So for valuable data that makes sense to open up to the research community, data repositories are better alternatives. Dedicated repositories that allow maximum traceability of data are the ideal choice. An alternative option is to upload data to a "general purpose" repository.

  • The ideal choice is a dedicated repository that allows maximum data traceability.
  • An alternative are "General purpose" repositories, such as the Czech National Repository or ZENODO.

As a part of the EOSC CZ initiative and the building of the National Repository Platform for Research Data (NRP), new specialised repositories are continuously being created and will be available for use as early as 2025.

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