The aim of this initiative is to assess the current state of research data management within research teams and projects and to better understand the needs of the scientific community. The findings will help tailor EOSC CZ services to the actual requirements of researchers in handling research data. Additionally, the results will assist MŠMT in monitoring the impact of EOSC implementation in the Czech Republic and contribute to the development of more effective tools for data storage and sharing.
How Will the Mapping Be Conducted?
The research will take the form of an online survey, examining how researchers manage their data, what tools they use, and what challenges they face in data sharing.
Timeline and Expected Outcomes
The data collection will take place in April 2025, followed by data evaluation, with the results of the mapping expected to be available in summer 2025.
Target Audience
The study focuses on researchers from both academic and applied research sectors, particularly principal investigatorsof research projects funded since 2020.
Survey Topics
Data generation, Data preservation, Data reuse and sharing, Support for research data management
The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences ensures the methodological and scientific quality of this study. For any inquiries, please contact:
What Is Open Science I?
The Open Science I – National Repository Platform for Research Data (NRP) aims to establish a national repository infrastructure for collecting and managing research data in compliance with FAIR principles and Open Science policies. This platform, developed within the EOSC CZ initiative, will be linked to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)and will provide a broad range of services to the scientific community—from data storage to educational activities. For this reason, obtaining high-quality feedback from researchers and research institutions in the Czech Republic is essential.
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IS AS CR, v.v.i.)
The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences focuses on analyzing the development of Czech society in regional, European, and global contexts. It is the largest non-university research institution in the field of social sciences in the Czech Republic.
The institute advances sociological theories and methodologies of contemporary social research. It conducts one-time and repeated empirical studies, comparative research, case studies, exploratory research, and public opinion surveys. Utilizing modern quantitative and qualitative research methods, it also incorporates insights and approaches from related disciplines such as economics, political science, law, demography, social geography, and gender studies.
The institute also plays a crucial role in supporting independent public opinion research and the archiving of both quantitative and qualitative data.