Data management for artificial intelligence and machine learning from the perspective of computing environment and user requirements
10 December 2024
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM - IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center Studentská 6231/1B 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba
This course is held in the Czech language.
The workshop focuses on the presentation of techniques and procedures necessary for effective work with data in the context of artificial intelligence and machine learning and on the presentation of specific research examples in AI and ML and their requirements or current problems.
During expert-led presentations and discussions, examples of tools and frameworks that facilitate working with datasets and using supercomputing infrastructure to train AI models will be presented. In addition, participants will be able to get insights from researchers from different disciplines on their specific needs and challenges in this area.
Participants from diverse scientific disciplines will have the opportunity to share their experiences and specific requirements related to data management and transfer in the context of their research. The format of the workshop will be highly interactive. Thus, we expect participants to actively participate in discussing and defining the needs of research communities in data management for AI and machine learning.
Level: Advanced
Language: Czech
Jan Martinovič (VŠB-TUO)
Vít Vondrák (VŠB-TUO)
Martin Golasowski (VŠB-TUO) - PDF
Georgy Ponimatkin/ Martin Cífka (ČVUT) - PDF
Rudolf Wittner (MUNI) - PDF
Matej Antol, Teréza Slanináková - PDF, Aleš Křenek (MUNI) - PDF
Vladimír Ulman (VŠB-TUO) - PDF
Michal Kozubek (MUNI) - PDF
Petr Holub (MUNI) - PDF
Mikoláš Jurda (MUNI) - PDF
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