PF 2025
Greetings from EOSC CZ!
On 1 October, a workshop entitled Computational and legal background for sensitive data management not only within the National Repository Platform (NRP) took place in Brno, focusing on key aspects of sensitive data management in scientific communities. The event was intended for members of EOSC CZ working groups involved in implementing EOSC in the Czech Republic.
The keynote speakers included experts from the academic, technical and private spheres who addressed various topics related to sensitive data management. David Antoš (CESNET) presented the NRP architecture and discussed handling sensitive data and its connection to the e-INFRA CZ e-infrastructure. Jan Kolouch (CESNET) focused on the legal aspects of sensitive data management and shared his experience from preparing the NRP. Peter Lényi (ICS MU) spoke about authentication and authorization of persons accessing data. Cooperation with private partners and access to sensitive data in public-private projects was presented by Lucie Houdová (ZČU). The lecture block was closed by Marián Hajdúch (UPOL), who remotely outlined the key problems and solutions related to storing sensitive data in molecular and translational medicine. The workshop was moderated by Zdenka Dudová (BBMRI a MOÚ), who was also behind the event preparation. "My main motivation for organizing the workshop was to draw a clear line between the outputs of the NRP and the follow-up call OS II. From my point of view, we opened up many important topics and found that line between the two projects. As a side effect, I see the sharing of sensitive data management across EOSC CZ working groups and institutions. Personally, the whole meeting gave me new energy for coordination", evaluates Zdenka Dudová.
The presentations were followed by a panel discussion during which the participants and the speakers discussed the management of sensitive data in the context of the newly emerging IT infrastructure of the NRP and discussed legal and technical aspects of data protection.
The afternoon session was a hands-on exploration of concrete examples, suggestions, and best practices. These insights, generated through interactive discussions, will directly inform the ongoing development of the NRP and the Open Science II project. They will also play a key role in shaping the thematic repositories and implementing FAIR principles within the NRP.
The workshop provided a space for active discussion, exchange of experiences and identification of the needs of the research communities in sensitive data management, data access security and regulatory compliance.
Greetings from EOSC CZ!
Czech science has a huge opportunity to move forward by improving research data management. In this interview, Matej Antol explains how the national repository platform will change the work of scientists and take our science to a new level.