European Open Science Cloud Czech Republic (IPs EOSC-CZ)

Project background information

Name of the Operational Programme: Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský
Call title and number: Individual Systemic Projects - R&D I, 02_22_004
Project name: European Open Science Cloud Czech Republic
Project registration number: CZ.02.01.01/00/22_004/0007682
Recipient: Masaryk University
Project implementation period: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2028
Budget: CZK 444,934,000

The EOSC-CZ project is key to integrating scientific data and research infrastructures into the European Open Science Cloud. It enables the efficient sharing and use of scientific resources on a European scale.

Project Annotation

The EOSC-CZ project aims to create infrastructure and services for efficient management, sharing and long-term preservation of research data in the Czech Republic following the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative. This project is crucial for developing the Czech research infrastructure and its interconnection with the European scientific community, which will increase the competitiveness of Czech academic and research institutions. The e-INFRA CZ consortium implements the project, including the CESNET association, Masaryk University (CERIT-SC) and VŠB-TUO (IT4Innovations). EOSC-CZ ensures close interconnection with the national e-infrastructure and its capacities.

Project Objective

The main objective of the EOSC-CZ project is to create a comprehensive common background for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in the Czech Republic to ensure the current and future needs of the Czech research community in the area of research data management and sharing according to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. This objective includes the creation and operation of the National Data Infrastructure, the EOSC CZ Secretariat, the National Metadata Directory and the EOSC CZ Training Centre, which will enable efficient management, sharing and long-term preservation of research data, support advanced processing of scientific information and results and increase the competitiveness of Czech academic and research institutions.

Key Activities of the Project

Key Activity 1 (KA1) Project Management

The objective of KA1 is to ensure the administrative activities and processes required to deliver the project outputs and achieve the planned results. This activity includes collaboration with related projects, such as the CARDS IPs implemented by NTK and other projects supported under the P JAC. The primary beneficiary of the project is Masaryk University (MU), which will lead activities KA1 and KA2, while CESNET will lead KA3 and VŠB-TUO KA4. The project management is in charge of the MU lead manager and an internal steering group - the Project Executive Committee. Following the IPs project rules, a Project Steering Committee has been established, composed of representatives of the e-INFRA consortium, NTK, the professional community and the Ministry of Education. This activity also includes preparing annual evaluation reports, membership fees to international organizations and the cost of blanket licenses for selected services.

Key Activity 2 (KA2) EOSC Secretariat CZ

The EOSC CZ Secretariat is the central administrative and support component for implementing the EOSC initiative and providing FAIR research data in the Czech Republic. This activity includes creating, operating and managing the national information portal, collecting and accessing relevant documents and news. The Secretariat supports participation in international EOSC activities, provides logistical and administrative support to the working groups, coordinates cooperation across EOSC implementation projects in the Czech Republic and cooperates with the National Centre for Information Support for R&D&I at the NTK. It also ensures monitoring of implementation status, regular provision of information and preparation of annual evaluation reports for national and international levels. The EOSC CZ Secretariat also supports the coordination and advocacy of standards for building pilot operations of the National Metadata Directory (NMA) and the National Repository Platform (NRP), ensuring the necessary interoperability across the National Data Infrastructure (NDI).

Key Activity 3 (KA3) Common components and services of the National Data Infrastructure (NDI)

Key Activity 3 focuses on the design, implementation and piloting of technical and software components and services necessary to ensure the implementation of EOSC in the Czech Republic. This activity includes developing and operating the National Metadata Directory (NMA), technical support for allocating PIDs (persistent identifiers), cybersecurity surveillance, data access control system, and tools for efficiently transferring large volumes of data. It also focuses on providing advanced technical support, continuous NDI monitoring, and technical components for the pilot operation of the EOSC CZ Secretariat and the EOSC CZ Training Centre. This activity also includes preparing technical documentation and procuring the hardware required for the testing and pilot operation of the systems developed under the project.

Key Activity 4 (KA4) EOSC CZ Training Centre

The EOSC CZ Training Centre provides a comprehensive facility for training, educational and related activities, including organizing conferences. The Centre consolidates and makes available emerging materials, registers suitable trainers, promotes the use of training and educational materials, plans and implements training sessions. In cooperation with the EOSC CZ Secretariat, it manages a training portal as part of the national information portal of EOSC in the Czech Republic, which provides an overview of available training and its outputs. The Centre cooperates with universities and other entities to collect training requests, disseminate and promote training activities, and establish links with international training activities within the EU. It also organizes specific training related to the use of NDI and provides methodological support to the project target group. The Centre coordinates and organizes training events, provides promotional materials, and provides technical and logistical support for national and international conferences, seminars, and workshops.

The Target Group of the Project

The primary target group of the EOSC-CZ project is the academic and research community of the Czech Republic, especially the staff of universities and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as well as scientific and professional staff from industry. The broader target group includes employees of private and state-owned enterprises, small and large companies, tradespeople and the professional and general public. The project creates and provides long-term facilities for reliable work with scientific data and other digital artifacts for members of both these groups. A complementary target group is the "data specialists" or "data curators" who increasingly support research teams and institutions. For these specialists, the project provides access to a wide range of educational and training materials, supports their professional development and helps them integrate fully into the research environment and other organizations.

Project Partners


Senior Project Manager IPs EOSC-CZ

Matej Antol

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