Fundamentals of Research Data Management

  • 4 March 2025
    10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • online

This course is held in the Czech language.


The lecture provides participants, especially PhD students, project data managers/curators/stewards or national or international grant investigators, with an insight into the basic practices of research data management (RDM) with an emphasis on FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles and motivation in the context of Open Science (OS). Participants will be introduced to basic terminology and, through examples and discussion, will learn the fundamentals of good RDM practice. Graduates of the course will have a basic overview of the field of RDM in the context of OS, will be able to apply FAIR principles to their projects, and will know resources for further self-education in this area.

Benefit for participants

  • Orientation in basic concepts and good practices of research data management (RDM)
  • Explanation of FAIR principles
  • Motivation to follow good RDM and FAIR practices


beginner, intermediate




Interest in research data management topics.


Ing. Jan Vališ

Ing. Jan Vališ

Ing. Jan Vališ graduated in Analytical and Physical Chemistry, respectively, Analytical Chemistry and Quality Engineering at the University of Chemical Technology in Prague (VŠCHT Prague). In the fourth year of his PhD, he is working on using digital signal processing and machine learning to automate the processing and evaluation of in vivo Raman spectra to diagnose serious diseases such as colorectal cancer and lung cancer.

In addition to research and teaching at VŠCHT Prague, he also acts as a faculty data steward. With his colleagues from the Data Stewardship Support team, he provides methodological support to national and international grant investigators in research data management (RDM) to meet funders' open science (OS) requirements. Since January this year, the National Technical Library (NTL) has addressed the methodology and support for RDM and OS as part of the NCIP project.

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