Electronic Laboratory (Field) Notebooks - (ELN)

  • 5 September 2024
    12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
  • online

This course is held in the Czech language.

Annotation: In this lecture, we will discuss what electronic laboratory (or also field) journals - ELN for short - are, what are the advantages of using them for scientific data management, and what is the plan for supporting these tools within the National Data Infrastructure (NDI) in the Czech Republic. We will start by explaining the basic features of ELNs, how ELNs differ from electronic notebooks such as OneNote and Evernote, and for which phase of the scientific data lifecycle ELNs are appropriate to use. We will then focus on practical examples of the use of ELNs. We will focus on how ELNs can simplify everyday work with scientific data. We will conclude the lecture with a discussion.

Benefits for the attendees: 

  • Learn why it is appropriate to use ELN for live data management.
  • They will learn the differences between an ELN, an electronic notebook, and a repository.
  • They will be familiar with the practical use of their chosen ELN.

Level: beginner, intermediate, advanced

Language: Slovak

Prerequisites: Interest in FAIR data and good scientific practice

Tutor: Marek Cebecauer

Marek Cebecauer

Marek Cebecauer focuses on the automation of FAIR data collection processes and their improvement by implementing different types of ELNs into scientific practice. He is Open Science Officer at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS and Research Data Alliance Ambassador for Materials Science and Technology. He is also the leader of the Materials Science and Technology Working Group for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in the Czech Republic. As the head of a lab studying nanoscopic organization of immune cell surfaces, he is looking for user-friendly solutions for daily work with large amounts of heterogeneous data.

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