PF 2025
Greetings from EOSC CZ!
The first Nod under development is the "Node EOSC EU" supported and funded by the European Commission. This Node will be hosted and implemented by third-party subcontractors and is planned to be available for testing in autumn 2024. Implementing the EOSC EU Node is the next step towards identifying the first set of EOSC Nodes to be implemented in the Federation of Nodes.
The EOSC Node concept is relatively new. Its main advantage is its flexibility, allowing multiple Research Infrastructures (RIs) and other data and service providers to be integrated into a single Node.
The next step will be the gradual identification and registration of candidate Nodes into the EOSC Federation. To this end, a questionnaire (from Tripartite Governance) has now been launched to determine the extent and reach of general interest and readiness for the phase of building the EOSC Federation by joining these Nodes. Interested parties should complete the questionnaire by 18 August 2024. The results from the questionnaire will help create a testbed of potential EOSC Nodes.
Information website about the questionnaire with supporting documents:
Link to the questionnaire itself.
If you are interested in completing the questionnaire on behalf of your institution (or research infrastructure) and need consultation or other related assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the EOSC CZ Secretariat ( We would also welcome hearing from you if you are interested in getting involved in developing a national Node.
Greetings from EOSC CZ!
Czech science has a huge opportunity to move forward by improving research data management. In this interview, Matej Antol explains how the national repository platform will change the work of scientists and take our science to a new level.