PF 2025
Greetings from EOSC CZ!
From 21 to 23 October 2024, Open Science Week 2024 will take place through online conferences on the Zoom platform. Organized by the Open Science Working Group of the Association of University Libraries of the Czech Republic, this three-day event brings a range of interesting lectures, discussions and practical demonstrations focused on Open Access, open data and other open science practices to help you better navigate the world of open science and meet the requirements of grant agencies. In addition to the theoretical lectures, you can look forward to practical demonstrations and sharing experiences by experts from different institutions who will share their knowledge in open publishing, repositories and data management.
EOSC CZ representatives will present several important topics related to data governance and open publishing.
Matyáš Hiřman from Charles University and Martin Schätz and Aleš Mučka from VŠB-TUO will focus on the role of data stewards, an emerging job position that plays a key role in research data management.
Other experts will also speak during Open Science Week, sharing their experiences with transformation contracts, ORCID profiles or ethical pitfalls when working with sensitive data. Last but not least, you can look forward to topics such as preregistration, registered reports, electronic lab journals and the use of citizen science.
The official Open Science Week 2024 website contains the complete program and registration.
Greetings from EOSC CZ!
Czech science has a huge opportunity to move forward by improving research data management. In this interview, Matej Antol explains how the national repository platform will change the work of scientists and take our science to a new level.