December 2024
19 Dec 2024, 14:32  |  Čeština

Dear readers,

you have opened the final issue of this year’s EOSC CZ initiative newsletter, which is bursting with an abundance of news related to the European Open Science Cloud initiative. In this edition, we introduce the new directors of the EOSC Association, offer a map of data stewards in the Czech Republic, summarise the National EOSC CZ Conference for you, provide information about the workshop on data management for artificial intelligence and machine learning, and present four interviews. And this is just the beginning.

We wish you a successful end of the year.

Enjoy your reading!

The EOSC CZ initiative team


New leadership of the EOSC Association

Elections for the EOSC Association took place during the 9th General Assembly, which was held online on 22 November of this year. The General Assembly of the EOSC Association elected three new board members: Kamran Naim, Roxanne Wyns, and Licia Florio. Additionally, Sara Garavelli was re-elected for her second three-year term. All four directors will begin their roles on 1 January 2025.

EOSC Association directors


The data stewards map is lighting up like a Christmas tree

We have launched the pilot version of the data stewards map, which makes it easier for researchers to find experts in research data management. The impetus for its creation was the change in the rules of the Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR), which now require project leaders to submit a data management plan. In this context, they are encouraged to consult data stewards. Thanks to the map, finding them is now simpler. Find your data stewards or add yourself to the map!

Data stewards map

There is not just one way to manage data

Sara Coppini from the University of Bologna studied philosophy, digital humanities, and IT. The role of a data steward allows her to connect her diverse interests. In the interview, she shares her experiences raising awareness about open science, talks about the small victories that motivate her, and what inspires her. She reflects on the purpose of scientific work and the importance of sharing scientific results, which she sees as the key to making the world a better place.



The national conference highlighted milestones and challenges on the path to effective research data management

The National EOSC CZ Conference titled “From Storage to Repositories,” attracted on 26 November over 200 participants – 113 attended the event in person at the Occidental Hotel in Prague, while nearly 100 followed the conference online. The strong interest in the event confirmed the growing importance of research data management, open science, and the development of national and international data infrastructures. If you missed the conference, you can watch the recording.  A summary of the conference can be found in our article.

Conference summary Recording

Foto: Josef Krčil


The researcher decides who will access his/her data

According to Matej Antol, the principal project manager of EOSC-CZ, Czech science has the opportunity to make a significant leap forward by improving the storage, sharing, and especially the accessibility of research data. In the interview, he reflects on the path science still has to take, how the creation of the National Repository Platform will support this progress, and what it will specifically mean for researchers themselves. Dive in!



Workshop on data management for artificial intelligence and machine learning

On 10 December, a workshop took place at the IT4Innovations premises in Ostrava, capturing the interest of academics specialising in big data management, advanced computational technologies, and their applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Discover the focus of the workshop and what the participants presented.

Workshop summary


Our training and other open science events

You can find information about our training events in the Training section on the portal. If you've missed any sessions, you can access the recordings of completed training events on our YouTube channel EOSC Czech Republic.


The fourth EOSC CZ networking event hosted by Tomas Bata University in Zlín

On 28 November, Tomas Bata University in Zlín hosted a networking event focused on the development of open science and the implementation of FAIR principles, initiated by EOSC CZ. This time, we interviewed the vice-rector Petr Humpolíček to present two perspectives on the topic of open science and its implementation in the academic environment. We also interviewed the data steward Barbora Loskotová, who sees the future in open science and wants to be part of its development.

Networking and interviews


Experts on open science met in Bratislava

In mid-November, the second annual Slovak Open Science Forum took place in Bratislava, becoming a key gathering for experts and the scientific community focused on open science. The conference covered a wide range of topics, including open access to scientific information, research data management, scientific activity evaluation, and citizen science. One of the speakers was Matej Antol. Find out what the project manager of IPs EOSC CZ presented and take a closer look at the Slovak Open Science Forum.



Tripartite event brought discussions on the EOSC Federation and node development

On 7 November, the 6th European Tripartite Event took place in Budapest, focusing on the future governance and implementation of EOSC. The main topics of discussion included identifying potential candidates for EOSC nodes, evaluating the status of the EOSC Federation, and ongoing discussions about EOSC governance after 2027. The conference was preceded by a closed meeting of the EOSC Steering Board, followed by the official EOSC Tripartite meeting. Learn more!

Tripartite event

Shaping the EOSC Federation: building nodes for open science

The ESFRI-EOSC Task Force organised a workshop on 18 and 19 November at the University of Milan, focusing on the formation of the EOSC Federation, where all components (nodes) follow shared rules, are technically interconnected, and support open science. Find out which representatives of research infrastructures listed in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap accepted the invitation and what their objectives were.



News from the National Centre for Persistent Identifiers at the NTK

Research organization identifier ROR integrated into Web of Science

DataCite Announcing Metadata Schema 4.6

New Integration ORCID Review Checklist

More updates from the world of persistent identifiers can be found here.


6-10 January

Winter school BioMed

MMCI, Brno & Med Uni, Graz

15 January

Launch of the 2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects and services


20-23 January

EOSC Winter School 2025

Seville, Spain

29 January

BERD Academy: open education for research with business, economics and related data


17-19 February

19th International Digital Curation Conference


20-21 February

FAIRfest: Celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in EOSC


25 February

Teaching what we practice – open science in higher education


24 June

Coffee lecture on open science education


15-17 September

Open Science Fair 2025

CERN, Switzerland

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Masaryk University

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