Dear readers,
We bring you news and inspiration from the world of EOSC, open science, and FAIR data. You should not miss the exciting updates that await you. In our interview, Jiří Marek and Martin Dvořák present the key milestones and achievements of the EOSC CZ initiative in 2024. Additional details can also be found on the EOSC CZ in data webpage. This January, we are launching a new series about the role of data stewards – indispensable experts in research data management. If you have a project supporting open science, be sure to apply for the OSCARS project call. Enhance your skills in data management through our training sessions, and don’t hesitate to explore the presentations from the National conference EOSC CZ and the workshop about data management for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Finally, remember to mark in your calendar the biggest event of the year – the EOSC Symposium.
We wish you a FAIR year 2025!
Enjoy your reading!
The EOSC CZ initiative team
Czechia is close to storing its first data in the National Data Infrastructure. While last year the discussion focused on repositories for structured data, this year they are being physically established and will soon be ready to connect scientific communities across the country. According to Jiří Marek, Head of the EOSC CZ Secretariat, 2024 has been a successful year in this regard. Data analyst Martin Dvořák agrees, supporting Marek’s statements with specific figures.
Curious about the purpose of this chart? Visit the EOSC CZ in data webpage to discover how the EOSC initiative is being implemented in Czechia and what results have already been achieved. Here, you’ll find a complete overview of key data and information on progress, participating institutions, and their efforts to adopt the principles of open science, FAIR data, and EOSC. Explore the charts and get to know EOSC CZ from a data-driven perspective.
Data guardians: Mission FAIR
Discover why data stewards are indispensable partners for scientific teams and how they contribute to FAIR data! In this six-part series, you’ll learn who data stewards are, what their work entails, and what tools and educational opportunities they can leverage. #1 The journey of a data steward: Who is a data superhero?
2nd open call of the OSCARS project
Researchers and scientists from all disciplines can apply for the call by March 17 with proposals for developing projects or services in the field of open science that will collectively advance FAIR data-driven research. Interested applicants are encouraged to watch the webinar prepared by the OSCARS project coordinators. The webinar provides detailed information on the specific conditions under which researchers and scientific teams can apply for the project, in line with the requirements of Horizon Europe projects.
EOSC United Project Successfully Evaluated by the European Commission
The EOSC United project, focused on building the EOSC Federation under the leadership of the EOSC Association, has received positive evaluation from the European Commission. The consortium is now preparing the necessary documentation for project approval within the Horizon Europe programme, with implementation set to begin in the second half of 2025. Czechia is represented by Masaryk University and the EOSC CZ Secretariat, which will keep the Czech EOSC community informed about the project's progress.
You can find information about our training events in the Training section on the eosc.cz portal. If you've missed any sessions, you can access the recordings of completed training events on our YouTube channel EOSC Czech Republic.
Explore the presentations from the National EOSC CZ Conference
Last year, the National EOSC CZ Conference, subtitled "From Storage to Repositories," garnered immense interest. Recognising your ongoing enthusiasm for topics such as research data management, open science, and the development of national and international data infrastructures, we have made the conference presentations available to you. If you missed the event or if something caught your attention and you'd like to revisit it, feel free to explore the speakers´ presentations or watch the conference recording.
EOSC Symposium 2025 will be hosted by Brussels
Mark your calendars for the EOSC Symposium 2025, which will take place from 3 to 5 November. This is the largest event of the European Open Science Cloud initiative. The Symposium, organised for the second consecutive year by the EOSC Association, will be held in Brussels. As a preview, you can enjoy the video from the EOSC Symposium 2024 in Berlin.